www.gusucode.com > 落叶冰点万能企业网站内容管理系统 V9.1 > 落叶冰点万能企业网站内容管理系统 V9.1\code\inc\复件 functionFiless.asp


' 新动软网站管理系统
' 官方网站: http://www.aspcpu.com
' 系统作者: 阮丁远(网名:天 下 程  序)
' Copyright (C)  新动软网站管理系统 版权所有


<!--#include file=config.asp-->


Class Cls_FSO 
Public objFSO 
Private Sub Class_Initialize() 
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject(fssoo_nd_var_str_x_customx) 
End Sub 
Private Sub class_terminate() 
Set objFSO = Nothing 
End Sub 

Public Function GetFileSize(FileName) 
Dim f 
If ReportFileStatus(FileName) = 1 Then 
Set f = objFSO.Getfile(FileName) 
GetFileSize = f.Size 
GetFileSize = -1 
End if 
End Function 

Public Function deleteAFile(FileSpec) 
If ReportFileStatus(FileSpec) = 1 Then 
deleteAFile = 1 
deleteAFile = -1 
End if 
End Function 

Public Function ShowFileList(FolderSpec) 
Dim f, f1, fc, s 
If ReportFolderStatus(FolderSpec) = 1 Then 
Set f = objFSO.GetFolder(FolderSpec) 
Set fc = f.Files 
For Each f1 in fc 
s = s & f1.name 
s = s & "|" 
ShowFileList = s 
ShowFileList = -1 
End if 
End Function 

Public Function CopyAFile(SourceFile, DestinationFile) 
Dim MyFile 
If ReportFileStatus(SourceFile) = 1 Then 
Set MyFile = objFSO.GetFile(SourceFile) 
MyFile.Copy (DestinationFile) 
CopyAFile = 1 
CopyAFile = -1 
End if 
End Function 

Public Function MoveAFile(SourceFile,DestinationFile) 
If ReportFileStatus(SourceFile) = 1 And ReportFileStatus(DestinationFileORPath) = -1 Then 
objFSO.MoveFile SourceFile,DestinationFileORPath 
MoveAFile = 1 
MoveAFile = -1 
End if 
End Function 

Public Function ReportFileStatus(FileName) 
Dim msg 
msg = -1 
If (objFSO.FileExists(FileName)) Then 
msg = 1 
msg = -1 
End If 
ReportFileStatus = msg 
End Function 

Public Function ShowDatecreated(FileSpec) 
Dim f 
If ReportFileStatus(FileSpec) = 1 Then 
Set f = objFSO.GetFile(FileSpec) 
ShowDatecreated = f.Datecreated 
ShowDatecreated = -1 
End if 
End Function 

Public Function GetAttributes(FileName) 
Dim f 
Dim strFileAttributes 
If ReportFileStatus(FileName) = 1 Then 
Set f = objFSO.GetFile(FileName) 
select Case f.attributes 
Case 0 strFileAttributes = "普通文件。没有设置任何属性。 " 
Case 1 strFileAttributes = "只读文件。可读写。 " 
Case 2 strFileAttributes = "隐藏文件。可读写。 " 
Case 4 strFileAttributes = "系统文件。可读写。 " 
Case 16 strFileAttributes = "文件夹或目录。只读。 " 
Case 32 strFileAttributes = "上次备份后已更改的文件。可读写。 " 
Case 1024 strFileAttributes = "链接或快捷方式。只读。 " 
Case 2048 strFileAttributes = " 压缩文件。只读。" 
End select 
GetAttributes = strFileAttributes 
GetAttributes = -1 
End if 
End Function 

Public Function ShowFileAccessInfo(FileName,InfoType) 
'// 1 -----创建时间 
'// 2 -----上次访问时间 
'// 3 -----上次修改时间 
'// 4 -----文件路径 
'// 5 -----文件名称 
'// 6 -----文件类型 
'// 7 -----文件大小 
'// 8 -----父目录 
'// 9 -----根目录 
Dim f, s 
If ReportFileStatus(FileName) = 1 then 
Set f = objFSO.GetFile(FileName) 
select Case InfoType 
Case 1 s = f.Datecreated 
Case 2 s = f.DateLastAccessed 
Case 3 s = f.DateLastModified 
Case 4 s = f.Path 
Case 5 s = f.Name 
Case 6 s = f.Type 
Case 7 s = f.Size 
Case 8 s = f.ParentFolder 
Case 9 s = f.RootFolder 
End select 
ShowFileAccessInfo = s 
ShowFileAccessInfo = -1 
End if 
End Function 

Public Function WriteTxtFile(FileName,TextStr,WriteORAppendType) 
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2 , ForAppending = 8 
Dim f, m 
select Case WriteORAppendType 
Case 1: '文件进行写操作 
Set f = objFSO.OpenTextFile(FileName, ForWriting, True) 
f.Write TextStr 
If ReportFileStatus(FileName) = 1 then 
WriteTxtFile = 1 
WriteTxtFile = -1 
End if 
Case 2: '文件末尾进行写操作 
If ReportFileStatus(FileName) = 1 then 
Set f = objFSO.OpenTextFile(FileName, ForAppending) 
f.Write TextStr 
WriteTxtFile = 1 
WriteTxtFile = -1 
End if 
End select 
End Function 

Public Function ReadTxtFile(FileName) 
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2 
Dim f, m 
If ReportFileStatus(FileName) = 1 then 
Set f = objFSO.OpenTextFile(FileName, ForReading) 
m = f.ReadLine 
ReadTxtFile = m 
ReadTxtFile = -1 
End if 
End Function 


Public Function GetFolderSize(FolderName) 
Dim f 
If ReportFolderStatus(FolderName) = 1 Then 
Set f = objFSO.GetFolder(FolderName) 
GetFolderSize = f.Size 
GetFolderSize = -1 
End if 
End Function 

Public Function createFolderDemo(FolderName) 
Dim f 
If ReportFolderStatus(Folderspec) = 1 Then 
createFolderDemo = -1 
Set f = objFSO.createFolder(FolderName) 
createFolderDemo = 1 
End if 
End Function 

Public Function deleteAFolder(Folderspec) 

If ReportFolderStatus(Folderspec) = 1 Then 
objFSO.deleteFolder (Folderspec) 
deleteAFolder = 1 
deleteAFolder = -1 
End if 
End Function 

Public Function ShowFolderList(FolderSpec) 
Dim f, f1, fc, s 
If ReportFolderStatus(FolderSpec) = 1 Then 
Set f = objFSO.GetFolder(FolderSpec) 
Set fc = f.SubFolders 
For Each f1 in fc 
s = s & f1.name 
s = s & "|" 
ShowFolderList = s 
ShowFolderList = -1 
End if 
End Function 

Public Function CopyAFolder(SourceFolder,DestinationFolder) 
objFSO.CopyFolder SourceFolder,DestinationFolder 
CopyAFolder = 1 
CopyAFolder = -1 
End Function 

Public Function MoveAFolder(SourcePath,DestinationPath) 
If ReportFolderStatus(SourcePath)=1 And ReportFolderStatus(DestinationPath)=0 Then 
objFSO.MoveFolder SourcePath, DestinationPath 
MoveAFolder = 1 
MoveAFolder = -1 
End if 
End Function 

Public Function ReportFolderStatus(fldr) 
Dim msg 
msg = -1 
If (objFSO.FolderExists(fldr)) Then 
msg = 1 
msg = -1 
End If 
ReportFolderStatus = msg 
End Function 

Public Function ShowFolderAccessInfo(FolderName,InfoType) 
'// 1 -----创建时间 
'// 2 -----上次访问时间 
'// 3 -----上次修改时间 
'// 4 -----目录路径 
'// 5 -----目录名称 
'// 6 -----目录类型 
'// 7 -----目录大小 
'// 8 -----父目录 
'// 9 -----根目录 
Dim f, s 
If ReportFolderStatus(FolderName) = 1 then 
Set f = objFSO.GetFolder(FolderName) 
select Case InfoType 
Case 1 s = f.Datecreated 
Case 2 s = f.DateLastAccessed 
Case 3 s = f.DateLastModified 
Case 4 s = f.Path 
Case 5 s = f.Name 
Case 6 s = f.Type 
Case 7 s = f.Size 
Case 8 s = f.ParentFolder 
Case 9 s = f.RootFolder 
End select 
ShowFolderAccessInfo = s 
ShowFolderAccessInfo = -1 
End if 
End Function 

Public Function DisplayLevelDepth(pathspec) 
Dim f, n ,Path 
Set f = objFSO.GetFolder(pathspec) 
If f.IsRootFolder Then 
DisplayLevelDepth ="指定的文件夹是根文件夹。"&RootFolder 
Do Until f.IsRootFolder 
Path = Path & f.Name &"<br>" 
Set f = f.ParentFolder 
n = n + 1 
DisplayLevelDepth ="指定的文件夹是嵌套级为 " & n & " 的文件夹。<br>" & Path 
End If 
End Function 

Public Function ReportDriveStatus(drv) 
Dim msg 
msg = -1 
If objFSO.DriveExists(drv) Then 
msg = 1 
msg = -1 
End If 
ReportDriveStatus = msg 
End Function 

'可用的返回类型包括 FAT、NTFS 和 CDFS。 
Public Function ShowFileSystemType(drvspec) 
Dim d 
If ReportDriveStatus(drvspec) = 1 Then 
Set d = objFSO.GetDrive(drvspec) 
ShowFileSystemType = d.FileSystem 
ShowFileSystemType = -1 
End if 
End Function 
End Class 

'*******************         DOSASP类 V1.01        ************************************ 

Class DosAsp 

Public fso 
Private Sub Class_Initialize 
Set fso=Server.createobject(fssoo_nd_var_str_x_customx) 
End Sub 

Public Function Exists(Path) '判断文件目录是否存在 
if not(Exists) then 
end if 
End Function 
Public Function Del(FullPath) '删除文件 
        If Exists(FullPath) then 
                On error resume next 
                        if err.number=0 then 
                        End if 
        End If 
End Function 
Public Function Copy(SourceFile,DestinationFile)'复制文件 
        Dim MyFile 
        If ReportFileStatus(SourceFile) = 1 Then 
            Set MyFile = fso.GetFile(SourceFile) 
            MyFile.Copy (DestinationFile) 
            CopyAFile = 1 
            CopyAFile = -1 
        End If 
End Function 
Public Function Md(FullPath) '建立目录 
        If Exists(FullPath) Then 
            md = false 
            md = true 
        End If 
End Function 
Public Function Rd(FullPath) '删除目录 

on error resume next

        If not(Exists(FullPath)) Then 
           ' Rd = false 
         Rd = true 



if err.number<>0 then
Rd = false

 Rd = true 

end if

        End If 
End Function 

Public Function Cd(Path) '切换目录 
If exists(Path) then 
set Cd=fso.GetFolder(Path) 
End If 
End Function 
Public Function Ren(MyOld,MyNew) '文件目录重命名 
Dim File 
If exists(MyOld) then 
if instr(MyNew,"\")>0 then 
MyNew = Right(s, Len(s) - (InStrRev(MyNew, "\", -1, vbTextCompare))) 
end if 
on error resume next 
set File=fso.GetFile(MyOld) 
if err.number=0 then 
end if 
End If 
if Ren=False then 
If exists(MyOld) then 
if instr(MyNew,"\")>0 then 
Dir2 = Right(s, Len(s) - (InStrRev(MyNew, "\", -1, vbTextCompare))) 
end if 
on error resume next 
set mDir=Cd(MyOld) 
if err.number=0 then 
end if 
End If 
end if 
End Function 

Public    Function Dir(Path) '列目录 
        Dim f, f1, fc, s,flag 
        If Exists(Path)  Then 
            Set f = Cd(Path) 
            Set fc = f.SubFolders 
            For Each f1 in fc 
                if flag<>1 then 
                s = s & "|" 
                end if 
                   s = s & f1.name  
                set fc=f.Files 
                For Each f1 in fc 
                if len(s)=0 then 
                if flag<>1 then 
                           s = s & "|" 
                   end if 
                        s=s & "|" 
                end if         
                   s = s & f1.name  
            Dir = s 
            Dir = False 
        End If 
    End Function 
Public Sub MsgBox(MyStr) 
        Response.write "<Script language=vbscript> MsgBox(""" 
        Response.write MyStr 
        Response.write """)</Script>" 
End Sub 

Private Sub Class_Terminate         
        if isobject(fso) then 
                set fso=nothing 
        end if 
End Sub 
End Class 


' 创建文件,支持无限目录
	function createfile(byval path,byval body,byval check)
		dim fso,subpath,pathdeep,i,cachepath
		path = replace(path,"/","\")
		path = replace(path,"\\","\")
		path = replace(path,"\\","\")
		path = replace(server.mappath(path),server.mappath("/"),"")'从根目录计算了~~
		cachepath = replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(path,"/",""),"\",""),"-",""),"_",""),",","")
		if getcache(cachepath) = "true" then
			if not savefile(body,path) then
				' 创建文件夹
				if lcase(cstr(check)) = "true" then
					' 创建目录
					subpath = split(path,"\")
					pathdeep = pathdeep & server.mappath("/")
					for i = 1 to ubound(subpath) - 1
						pathdeep = pathdeep & "/" & subpath(i)
						if not isobject(fso) then set fso = server.createobject(fssoo_nd_var_str_x_customx)
						if not fso.folderexists(pathdeep) then fso.createfolder pathdeep
					if isobject(fso) then set fso = nothing
					setcache cachepath,"true"
				end if
				' 创建文件
				createfile = savefile(body,path)
			end if
			' 创建文件夹
			if lcase(cstr(check)) = "true" then
				' 创建目录
				subpath = split(path,"\")
				pathdeep = pathdeep & server.mappath("/")
				for i = 1 to ubound(subpath) - 1
					pathdeep = pathdeep & "/" & subpath(i)
					if not isobject(fso) then set fso = server.createobject(fssoo_nd_var_str_x_customx)
					if not fso.folderexists(pathdeep) then fso.createfolder pathdeep
				if isobject(fso) then set fso = nothing
				setcache cachepath,"true"
			end if
			' 创建文件
			createfile = savefile(body,path)
		end if
	end function
	' 删除文件夹
	function deletefolder(byval path)
		dim fso
		path = replace(path,"/","\")
		path = replace(path,"\\","\")
		path = replace(path,"\\","\")
		set fso = server.createobject(fssoo_nd_var_str_x_customx)
		on error resume next
		fso.deletefolder server.mappath(path)
		if err then
			deletefile = false
			deletefile = true
		end if
		set fso = nothing

	end function
	' 删除文件
	function deletefile(byval path)
		dim fso
		path = replace(path,"/","\")
		path = replace(path,"\\","\")
		path = replace(path,"\\","\")
		set fso = server.createobject(fssoo_nd_var_str_x_customx)
		on error resume next
		fso.deletefile server.mappath(path)
		if err then
			deletefile = false
			deletefile = true
		end if
		set fso = nothing
	end function
	' 删除文件
	function deletefilex(byval path,byval icos)
		dim fso,i,delf
		path = replace(path,"/","\")
		path = replace(path,"\\","\")
		path = replace(path,"\\","\")
		set fso = server.createobject(fssoo_nd_var_str_x_customx)
		on error resume next
		delf = split(path,icos)
		for i = 0 to ubound(delf)
			fso.deletefile server.mappath(delf(i))
		set fso = nothing
	end function

function checkcodebm(path)

set objstream = server.createobject("adodb.stream")
					objstream.Type = 2
					objstream.Mode = 3
					objstream.Charset = "gb2312"
					objstream.position = objstream.size
					objstream.loadfromfile server.mappath(path)
					loadfileaa = objstream.readText

set objstream = nothing

set objstream1=server.createobject("adodb.stream")
objstream1.loadfromfile server.mappath(path)

if loadfileaa="" or len(loadfileaa)<2   then


exit function

If AscB(MidB(bintou,1,1))=&HEF And AscB(MidB(bintou,2,1))=&HBB Then
ElseIf AscB(MidB(bintou,1,1))=&HFF And AscB(MidB(bintou,2,1))=&HFE Then
End If
set objstream1=nothing
'response.write checkcodebm

end if
end function

dim cur_bianma


	' 读取文件gb2312
	function loadfile(files)



			set objstream = server.createobject("adodb.stream")
					objstream.Type = 2
					objstream.Mode = 3
					objstream.Charset = bm11
					objstream.position = objstream.size
					objstream.loadfromfile server.mappath(files)
					loadfile = objstream.readText

			set objstream = nothing


	end function

	' 保存文件gb2312
	function savefile(strbody,files)
			dim objstream
			on error resume next
			set objstream = server.createobject("adodb.stream")

  if cur_bianma="" then




end if


                                       objstream.charset = bm

					objstream.position = objStream.Size
					objstream.writeText = strBody
					objstream.savetofile server.mappath(files),2
			if err then 
				savefile = false
				savefile = true
			end if
			set objstream = nothing
	end function

		set reg        = new regexp
		reg.ignorecase = true
		reg.global     = true

	' 类注销
	'private sub class_terminate()
		'set reg = nothing
		'echo "<!--" & scripttime & "-->"
		'echo "<br />执行时间: "scripttime & " 数据库查询: " & dbquerys

	'end sub

	function setcookies(byval cookiesname,byval cookiesvalue)
		cookiesname = filterstr(cookiesname)
		response.cookies(cookiessn)(cookiesname) = cookiesvalue
	end function
	function getcookies(byval cookiesname)
		cookiesname = filterstr(cookiesname)
		getcookies = request.cookies(cookiessn)(cookiesname)
	end function

	' 清除缓存
	function clscache(byval cachename)
		cachename = filterstr(cachename)
		if len(cachename) > 0 then
			application.contents.remove cachesn & cachename
			application.contents.remove cachesn & cachename & ".boj"
			application.contents.remove cachesn & cachename & ".time"
		end if
	end function
	' 设置缓存
	function setcache(byval cachename,byval cachevalue)
		cachename = filterstr(cachename)
		application(cachesn & cachename) = cachevalue
	end function
	' 设置OBJ缓存
	function setcacheobj(byval cachename,byval cachevalue)
		cachename = filterstr(cachename)
		set application(cachesn & cachename) = cachevalue
		application(cachesn & cachename & ".obj") = "load"
		application(cachesn & cachename & ".time") = now()
	end function
	' 读取缓存数据
	function getcache(byval cachename)
		cachename = filterstr(cachename)
		getcache = application(cachesn & cachename)
	end function
	' 检测缓存是否存在
	function chkcache(byval cachename)
		chkcache = true
		cachename = filterstr(cachename)
		if getcache(cachename & ".obj") = "load" then
			if isdate(getcache(cachename & ".time")) then
				if dateDiff("n",cdate(getcache(cachename & ".time")),now()) > cacheobjtime then chkcache = false
				chkcache = false
			end if
			if isnull(getcache(cachename)) or isempty(getcache(cachename)) then chkcache = false
		end if
	end function
	function filterstr(byval str)
		filterstr=replace(str," ","")
	end function
	' 转向
	function go(byval str)
		response.redirect str
	end function

	' 结束程序
	function die()
	end function

	' 输出
	function echo(byval str)
		response.write str
	end function
	' 输出换行<br />
	function getbr()
		getbr = "<br />"
	end function
	' 获取换行<br />
	function br()
		br = "<br />"
	end function
	' 是否有效的数字
	function isnum(para) 
		if not (isnull(para) or trim(para)="" Or not isnumeric(para)) then
		end if
	end function

	' 过滤HTML标签
	function splithtml(byval istr)
		if isnull(istr) or trim(istr) = "" then splithtml = "" : exit function
		dim re
		set re = new regexp
		re.ignorecase = true
		re.global = true
		re.pattern = "(\<.[^\<]*\>)"
		istr = re.replace(istr, " ")
		re.pattern = "(\<\/[^\<]*\>)"
		istr = re.replace(istr, " ")
		set re = nothing
		istr = replace(istr, "'", "")
		istr = replace(istr, chr(34), "")
		istr = trim(istr)
		istr = replace(istr,vbcrlf ,"")
		istr = replace(istr,vbcr ,"")
		istr = replace(istr,vblf ,"")
		istr = replace(istr," ","")
		istr = replace(istr,"	","")
		istr = replace(istr,"  "," ")
		istr = replace(istr,"  "," ")
		istr = replace(istr,"  "," ")
		istr = replace(istr,"  "," ")
		splithtml = istr
	end function
	' 截取指定长度的文字
	function leftx(byval str, byval strlen,byval strext)
		if str = "" then
			leftx = ""
			exit function
		end If
		dim l, t, c, i, strtemp,strstyle,strrnd
		' 分隔过HTML标签(标题X)
		strrnd = now
		strstyle = str
		reg.pattern = "\<.+?\>"
		str = reg.replace(str,"")				' 文字
		strstyle = replace(strstyle,str,now)	' 格式
		str = replace(replace(replace(replace(str, "&nbsp;", " "), "&quot;", Chr(34)), "&gt;", ">"), "&lt;", "<")
		l = len(str)
		t = 0
		strtemp = str
		strlen = clng(strlen)
		for i = 1 To l
			c = ascw(mid(str, i, 1))
			if c > 255 then
				t = t + 2
				t = t + 1
			end if
			if t >= strlen then
				strTemp = Left(str, i)
				exit for
			end If
		if strtemp <> str then
			strtemp = strtemp & strext
		end if
		leftx = replace(replace(replace(replace(strTemp, " ", "&nbsp;"), Chr(34), "&quot;"), ">", "&gt;"), "<", "&lt;")
		leftx = replace(strstyle,strrnd,leftx)	' 把原来的格式拿回来呼呼
	end function

	' 过滤字符
	function delstr(istr)
		istr = replace(istr,"'","''")
		delstr = trim(istr)
	end function
	' 验证值
	function chkstr(byval str,byval strtype,byval minlen,byval maxlen)
		chkstr = true
		if len(str) < minlen or len(str) > maxlen then chkstr = false : exit function
		select case strtype
		case "int"
			if not isnum(str) then chkstr = false
		end select
	end function
	' 获取参数
	function query(byval var)
		query = request.form(var)
		if query = "" then query = request(var)
	end function

	' 不允许过滤提交数据
	function errorpost()
		dim server_v1,server_v2
		if mid(server_v1,8,Len(server_v2))<>server_v2 then
			echo "非法提交数据!"
		end if
	end function
	' 获取客户端IP地址
	function clientip()
		if  Request.servervariables("http_x_forwarded_for") = ""  then 
			clientip = request.servervariables("remote_addr") 
			clientip = request.servervariables("http_x_forwarded_for")
		end if
		clientip = replace(clientip,"'","")
	end function
	' 如果A正确,则采用B,否则采用C
	function iif(byval iifA,byval iifB,byval iifC)
		if iifA then iif = iifB else iif = iifC
	end function
	' 检测IP格式
	function isip(byval sip)
		dim regex, matches
		set regex = New regexp
		regex.pattern = "[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}"
		regex.ignorecase = true
		Set matches = regex.execute(sip)
		if matches.count then
			isip = true	
			isip = false
		end if
	end function
	' 提示框
	function alert(byval istr,byval igo)
		if len(igo) > 0 then
			response.write "<script>alert('" & istr & "');location.href='" & igo & "';</script>"
			response.write "<script>alert('" & istr & "');</script>"
		end if
	end function
	' 连接数据库
	function dbopen()
		if not isobject(conn) then
			on error resume next
			set conn = server.createobject("adodb.connection")
			conn.open connstr
			if err then 
				echo "连接数据库失败!"
			end if
		end if
	end function
	' 断开数据库
	function dbclose()
		if isobject(conn) then
			set conn = nothing
		end if
	end function

	' 数据库模块
	' SQL,类型
	function db(byval dbsql,byval dbtype)
		on error resume next
		select case dbtype
		case 0
		case 1
			set db = conn.execute(dbsql)
		case 2
			set db = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
			db.open dbsql,conn,1,1
		case 3
			set db = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
			db.open dbsql,conn,1,3
		end select
		if err then 
			echo "时间:" & now & getbr
			echo "描述:" & err.description & getbr : err.clear
			echo "参考:" & dbsql
		end if
		dbquerys = dbquerys + 1
	end function
	' 检测内容表
	' 表编号
	function content(byval tid)
		dim table,tablestr
		set table = conn.openschema(20)  
		table.Filter = " table_type='table' "
		while not table.eof
			if lcase(left(table("table_name"),7)) = "content" then
				tablestr = tablestr & "|" & mid(table("table_name"),8)
			end if
		table.filter = 0
		set table = nothing
		if instr(tablestr,"|" & tid) = 0 then '指定表不存在,则创建
			conn.execute("CREATE TABLE content" & tid & " (aid integer default 0 not null constraint primarykey primary key,cid integer default 0,content text,uploadpic text,uploadfile text)")
		end if
	end function

	' 创建表单
	' 表单名称,表单类型,表单默认值,表单可选组,宽|高,样式,是否选中,自定义代码
	function frm(byval frmname,byval frmtype,byval frmvalue,byval frmvalues,byval frmstyle,byval frmclass,byval frmchecked,byval frmother)
		dim i
		if len(frmvalue) > 0 then frmvalue = server.htmlencode(frmvalue)
		if len(frmstyle) > 0 then frmstyle = " style=""width:" & split(frmstyle,",")(0) & ";height:" & split(frmstyle,",")(1) & ";"""
		if len(frmclass) > 0 then frmclass = " class="" " & frmclass & """"
		if len(frmother) > 0 then frmother = " " & frmother
		if frmchecked = true then frmchecked = " checked=""checked""" else frmchecked = ""
		select case frmtype
		case "textarea"
			frm = "<textarea name=""" & frmname& """ id=""id_" & frmname& """" & frmstyle & frmclass & frmother & ">" & frmvalue & "</textarea>" & vbcrlf
		case "hidden"
			frm = "<input type=""hidden"" value=""" & frmvalue & """ name=""" & frmname& """ id=""id_" & frmname& """" & frmstyle & frmclass & frmother & " />" & vbcrlf
		case "text"
			frm = "<input type=""text"" value=""" & frmvalue & """ name=""" & frmname& """ id=""id_" & frmname& """" & frmstyle & frmclass & frmother & " />" & vbcrlf
		case "select"
			frm = "<select name=""" & frmname& """ id=""id_" & frmname& """" & frmstyle & frmclass & frmother & " >" & vbcrlf
			if isarray(frmvalues) then
				for i = 0 to ubound(frmvalues)
				'echo frmname & "<BR>"
					if lcase(frmvalues(i)(0)&"i") = lcase(frmvalue&"i") then
						if frmname = "color" then
							frm = frm & "<option value=""" & frmvalues(i)(0) & """  selected=""selected"" style=""background-color:" & frmvalues(i)(0) & ";"">" & frmvalues(i)(1) & "</option>" & vbcrlf
							frm = frm & "<option value=""" & frmvalues(i)(0) & """  selected=""selected"">" & frmvalues(i)(1) & "</option>" & vbcrlf
						end if
						if frmname = "color" then
							frm = frm & "<option value=""" & frmvalues(i)(0) & """ style=""background-color:" & frmvalues(i)(0) & ";"">" & frmvalues(i)(1) & "</option>" & vbcrlf
							frm = frm & "<option value=""" & frmvalues(i)(0) & """>" & frmvalues(i)(1) & "</option>" & vbcrlf
						end if
					end if
			'frm = frm & "<option value=""" & frmvalue & """ selected=""selected"">" & frmvalue & "</option>" & vbcrlf
			end if
			frm = frm & "</select>" & vbcrlf
		case "checkbox"
			frm = ""
			if isarray(frmvalues) then
				for i = 0 to ubound(frmvalues)
					if frmvalues(i)(1) then frmchecked = " checked=""checked""" else frmchecked = ""
					frm = frm & "<input type=""checkbox"" value=""" & frmvalues(i)(0) & """ name=""" & frmname& """ id=""id_" & frmname& """" & frmstyle & frmclass & frmother & frmchecked & " />" & frmvalues(i)(2) & vbcrlf
			end if
		case "radio"
			frm = ""
			if isarray(frmvalues) then
				for i = 0 to ubound(frmvalues)
					if frmvalues(i)(1) then frmchecked = " checked=""checked""" else frmchecked = ""
					frm = frm & "<input type=""radio"" value=""" & frmvalues(i)(0) & """ name=""" & frmname& """ id=""id_" & frmname& """" & frmstyle & frmclass & frmother & frmchecked & " />" & frmvalues(i)(2) & vbcrlf
			end if
		case else
			frm = ""
		end select

	end function
	' 加载栏目缓存
	function loadclass()
		if getcache("loadclass") <> "yes" then
			' 应该请空所有 class 和缓存
			dim defaultcid,selects
			defaultcid = false
			set rs = db("select cid,cname,listtemp,articletemp,listrule,articlerule,createlist,contenttable,orders from class order by orders desc,cid desc",1)
			do while not rs.eof
				' 默认分类编号
				if defaultcid = false then
					setcache "defaultcid" , rs(0)
					defaultcid = true
				end if
				' 更新设置
				setcache "class." & rs(0) & ".cname" , rs("cname")
				setcache "class." & rs(0) & ".listtemp" , rs("listtemp")
				setcache "class." & rs(0) & ".articletemp" , rs("articletemp")
				setcache "class." & rs(0) & ".listrule" , rs("listrule")
				setcache "class." & rs(0) & ".articlerule" , rs("articlerule")
				setcache "class." & rs(0) & ".createlist" , rs("createlist")
				setcache "class." & rs(0) & ".contenttable" , "content" & rs("contenttable")
				setcache "class." & rs(0) & ".orders" , rs("orders")
				selects =  selects & rs(0) & "$$$" & rs(1) & "$$$"
			set rs = nothing
			' 自定义文章
			setcache "class.0.cname" , webname
			setcache "class.0.listtemp" , ""
			setcache "class.0.articletemp" , defaulttemp
			setcache "class.0.listrule" , ""
			setcache "class.0.articlerule" , defaultrule
			setcache "class.0.createlist" , 0
			setcache "class.0.contenttable" , "custom"
			setcache "class.0.orders" , 0
			' 处理分类SELECT数组
			selects = selects & "0$$$自定义"
			setcache "selectclass", selects
			' 缓存识别
			setcache "loadclass", "yes"
		end if
	end function
	' 获取动态分类数组
	function selectclass()
			dim selects ,sclass(),i,j
			selects = getcache("selectclass")
			selects = split(selects,"$$$")
			redim sclass((ubound(selects)+1)/2-1)
			'echo (ubound(selects)+1)/2
			j = 0
			for i = 0 to ubound(selects)
				sclass(j) = array(selects(i),selects(i + 1))
				i = i + 1
				j = j + 1
			selectclass = sclass
	end function
	' 动态数组
	function procselect(byval val)
			dim selects ,sclass(),i,j
			selects = val
			selects = split(selects,"*")
			redim sclass(ubound(selects))
			for i = 0 to ubound(selects)
				sclass(i) = array(selects(i),selects(i))
			procselect = sclass
	end function

	function checklogin()
		if request("act") = "login" then
			session("article.adminid") = request.form("user")
			session("article.adminpw") = request.form("pass")
			go "index.asp"
		end if
		if request("act") = "out" then
			session("article.adminid") = ""
			session("article.adminpw") = ""
			go "index.asp"
		end if
		'if session("article.adminid") <> adminid or session("article.adminpw") <> adminpw then
			'response.write "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN'><html><head><meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'><title>登录</title><link href='style.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'></head><body><table border='0' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' bgcolor='#CCCCCC'><tr><td bgcolor='#FFFFFF'><table border='0' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0' bgcolor='#F7F7F7'><form name='login' method='post' action='index.asp?act=login'><tr><td width='35' align='right'>帐户</td><td width='85'><input name='user' type='text' id='user' size='10'></td><td width='35' align='right'>密码</td><td width='85'><input name='pass' type='password' id='pass' size='10'></td><td width='44' align='center'><input type='submit' name='checklogin' value='登录'></td></tr></form></table></td></tr></table></body></html>"
		'end if

If session("adminuser")="" or isnull(session("adminuser")) then response.redirect "../../admin/login.asp"

	end function

	' 创建文章文件
	function createarticle(byval aid,byval cid)
		dim tmp,sql,rs,i,path,ctable
		template = ""
		template = loadfile(getcache("class." & cid & ".articletemp"))							' 载入模板
		set rs = db("select top 1 a.*,c.content from article a," & getcache("class." & cid & ".contenttable") & " c where c.aid=" & aid & " and a.aid=" & aid,3)' 获取文章数据
		' 从新构造URL地址
		dim dbfilepath,isfolder
		if right(u.getcache("class." & rs("cid") & ".articlerule"),1) = "/" then isfolder = true else isfolder = false
		' 生成规则
		dbfilepath = articlerule(rs("aid"),rs("cid"),rs("diyname"),rs("createtime"))

		' 正确的文件名
		if not isfolder then
			' 判断文件里是否有扩展名,没有的话加上默认扩展名咯
			dim chkfile
			chkfile = split(dbfilepath,"/")
			if instr(chkfile(ubound(chkfile)),".") = 0 then dbfilepath = dbfilepath & defaultdoc
		end if
		rs("filepath") = dbfilepath
		' 是否跳转页
		if len(rs("jumpurl")) > 0 then
			template = "<head><meta http-equiv=""Content-Type"" content=""text/html; charset=gb2312"" /><title>" & rs("title") & "</title><meta http-equiv=""Refresh"" content=""2;URL=" & rs("jumpurl") & """ /></head><body>正在跳转中,请稍等...</body></html>"
			' 内容页模板分析
			template = parser_tag(template,"{}",rs)													' 处理最底层标签
			parser_comm																				' 处理常用标签
			parser_sys		' 系统变量
			article_prenext aid																		' 处理上下页
		end if
		' 生成文件
		if isfolder then
			dbfilepath = dbfilepath & "index" & defaultext
		end if
		createfile dbfilepath , template, true													' 生成文件	
		rs.update																				' 关闭对象
	end function

	' 处理文章URL规则
	function articlerule(byval aid,byval cid,byval diyname,byval createtime)
		articlerule = u.getcache("class." & cid & ".articlerule")						' 获取规则信息
		if len(diyname) > 0 then
			articlerule = replace(articlerule,"{aid}",diyname)							' 自定义文件名
			articlerule = replace(articlerule,"{aid}",aid)								' 自身ID
		end if
		articlerule = replace(articlerule,"{cid}",cid)									' 分类ID
		articlerule = replace(articlerule,"{md5}",md5(aid))								' 16位加密
		articlerule = replace(articlerule,"{d}",right("0" & day(cdate(createtime)),2))
		articlerule = replace(articlerule,"{m}",right("0" & month(cdate(createtime)),2))
		articlerule = replace(articlerule,"{y}",right("0" & year(cdate(createtime)),2))
		articlerule = replace(articlerule,"{now}",replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(cdate(createtime),":",""),"-","")," ",""),"\",""),"/",""))
		articlerule = replace(articlerule,"{date}",right("0" & year(cdate(createtime)),2)&"-"&right("0" & month(cdate(createtime)),2)&"-"&right("0" & day(cdate(createtime)),2))
	end function
	' 程序执行时间
	function scripttime()
		scripttime = "0" & formatnumber((timer()-scriptstart),5) & " Second(s)"
	end function
	' 分页功能
	' 分页样式/记录数/每页记录/总页面数/当前页/页面规则
	function page(byval style,byval maxnum,byval pagenum,byval maxpage,byval pagenow,byval pagerule)
		style = int(style)
		maxnum = int(maxnum)
		pagenum = int(pagenum)
		maxpage = int(maxpage)
		pagenow = int(pagenow)
		dim loopnum1,loopnum2
		loopnum1 = 4	' 前面数量
		loopnum2 = 5	' 后面数量
		select case style
		case 1
			ptemp = "共有{总页数}页/{总条数}条记录 - {首页} - {上一页} - {下一页} - {尾页} - {跳转}"
		case 2
			ptemp = "{总页数}页/{总条数}条 {<<} {<} {循环} {>} {>>} {跳转}"
		case 3
			ptemp = "{<<} {<} {循环} {>} {>>}"
		end select
		ptemp = replace(ptemp, "{总页数}", maxpage)
		ptemp = replace(ptemp, "{总条数}", maxnum)
		ptemp = replace(ptemp, "{每页条数}", pagenum)
		ptemp = replace(ptemp, "{当前页}", pagenow)
		ptemp = replace(ptemp, "{首页}", "<a href=" & replace(pagerule,"{page}",1) & ">首页</a>")
		ptemp = replace(ptemp, "{<<}", "<a href=" & replace(pagerule,"{page}",1) & " class='page'><<</a>")
		ptemp = replace(ptemp, "{尾页}", "<a href=" & replace(pagerule,"{page}",maxpage) & ">尾页</a>")
		ptemp = replace(ptemp, "{>>}", "<a href=" & replace(pagerule,"{page}",maxpage) & " class='page'>>></a>")
		if pagenow > 1 then
			ptemp = replace(ptemp, "{上一页}", "<a href=" & replace(pagerule,"{page}",pagenow-1) & ">上一页</a>")
			ptemp = replace(ptemp, "{<}", "<a href=" & replace(pagerule,"{page}",pagenow-1) & " class='page'><</a>")
			ptemp = replace(ptemp, "{上一页}", "上一页")
			ptemp = replace(ptemp, "{<}", "<span class='page'><</span>")
		end if
		if pagenow < maxpage then
			ptemp = replace(ptemp, "{下一页}", "<a href=" & replace(pagerule,"{page}",pagenow+1) & ">下一页</a>")
			ptemp = replace(ptemp, "{>}", "<a href=" & replace(pagerule,"{page}",pagenow+1) & " class='page'>></a>")
			ptemp = replace(ptemp, "{下一页}", "下一页")
			ptemp = replace(ptemp, "{>}", "<span class='page'>></span>")
		end if
		dim jumpurl,i,j
		jumpurl = "<select name='jumpurl' onchange='location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;'>"
		for i = 1 to maxpage
			if i = pagenow then
				jumpurl = jumpurl & vbcrlf & "<option value='" & replace(pagerule,"{page}",i) & "' selected>" & i & "</option>"
				jumpurl = jumpurl & vbcrlf & "<option value='" & replace(pagerule,"{page}",i) & "'>" & i & "</option>"
			end if
 		jumpurl = jumpurl & "</select>"
		ptemp = replace(ptemp, "{跳转}", jumpurl)
		' 循环
		dim loopurl
		i = pagenow - loopnum1
		j = pagenow + loopnum2
		if i < 1 then
			j = j + (1-i)
			i = 1
		end if
		if j > maxpage then 
			i = i + (maxpage-j)
			j = maxpage
			if i < 1 then i = 1
		end if
		dim m
		for m=i to j
			if m = pagenow then
				loopurl = loopurl & " <a href=" & replace(pagerule,"{page}",m) & " class='pagein'>" & m & "</a>"
				loopurl = loopurl & " <a href=" & replace(pagerule,"{page}",m) & " class='page'>" & m & "</a>"
			end if
		ptemp = replace(ptemp, "{循环}", loopurl)
		page = ptemp
	end function

	' 载入模板
	public function loadtemp(byval str)
		template = str
	end function
	' 处理文章中的上下篇内容
	public function article_prenext(byval aid)	
		dim tag_pre,tag_next,ns
		reg.pattern = "{tag:(.+?)}"
		set matches = reg.execute(template)
		for each match in matches
			select case lcase(replace(match.submatches(0)," ",""))
			case "pre"
				set ns = db("select top 1 title,aid,cid,diyname,createtime from article where aid>" & aid & " order by aid asc" ,1)
				if not ns.eof then
					tag_pre = articlerule(ns("aid"),ns("cid"),ns("diyname"),ns("createtime"))
					tag_pre = "<a href=""" & tag_pre & """>" & ns(0) & "</a>"
					tag_pre = "没有了"
				end if
				template = replace(template, match.value, tag_pre)
			case "next"
				set ns = db("select top 1 title,aid,cid,diyname,createtime from article where aid<" & aid & " order by aid desc",1)
				if not ns.eof then
					tag_next = articlerule(ns("aid"),ns("cid"),ns("diyname"),ns("createtime"))
					tag_next = "<a href=""" & tag_next & """>" & ns(0) & "</a>"
					tag_next = "没有了"
				end if
				template = replace(template, match.value, tag_next)
			end select		
	end function
	public function parser_sys()
		dim sysv
		reg.pattern = "{sys:(.+?)}"
		set matches = reg.execute(template)
		for each match in matches
			if len(replace(match.submatches(0)," ","")) > 0 then
				execute("sysv = " & replace(match.submatches(0)," ",""))
				template = replace(template, match.value, sysv)
			end if	
	end function
	public function parser_tag(byval stemp,byval stag,byval rs)
		dim cmd,i,val,fun,funcmd,temp
		if stag = "[]" then
			reg.pattern = "\[field:(.+?)\]"
			reg.pattern = "{field:(.+?)}"
		end if
		set matches = reg.execute(stemp)
		for each match in matches
			if len(match.submatches(0)) > 0 then

				cmd = split(match.submatches(0),";")
				val = lcase(replace(cmd(0)," ",""))
				select case val
				case "titlex"	' 加属性的标题
					val = trim(rs("title"))
					if len(rs("style")) > 0 then val = "<"&rs("style")&">" & val & "</"&rs("style")&">"
					if len(rs("color")) > 0 then val = "<font color=" & rs("color") & ">" & val & "</font>"
				case "aurl"		' 文章页链接
					'val = rs("filepath")
					val = articlerule(rs("aid"),rs("cid"),rs("diyname"),rs("createtime"))
				case "curl"		' 列表页首页
					val = getcache("class." & rs("cid") & ".listrule")
					val = replace(val,"{cid}",rs("cid"))
					val = replace(val,"{page}",1)
				case "cnamex"
					val = getcache("class." & rs("cid") & ".cname")
				case "cname"
					val = splithtml(getcache("class." & rs("cid") & ".cname"))
				case "date"	
					val = rs("createtime")
				case "i"
					val = session("i")
				case else
					val = rs(val)
				end select

				for i = 1 to ubound(cmd)
					if lcase(left(cmd(i),9)) = "function=" then
						fun = right(cmd(i) , len(cmd(i)) - 9)
						fun = left(fun, len(fun)-1)
						fun = split(fun,"(")
						funcmd = fun(1)	
						select case lcase(replace(fun(0)," ",""))
						case "strlen"
							temp = funcmd
							temp = leftx(val,temp,"")
						case "replace"
							funcmd = split(funcmd,",")
							temp = replace(val,funcmd(0),funcmd(1))
						case "strdate"
							temp = funcmd
							temp = replace(temp,"yyyy",year(val)) : temp = replace(temp,"yyy",right(year(val),3))
							temp = replace(temp,"yy",right(year(val),2)) : temp = replace(temp,"y",right(year(val),1))
							temp = replace(temp,"mm",right("0" & month(val),2)) : temp = replace(temp,"m",month(val))
							temp = replace(temp,"dd",right("0" & day(val),2)) : temp = replace(temp,"d",day(val))
							temp = replace(temp,"hh",right("0" & hour(val),2)) : temp = replace(temp,"h",hour(val))
							temp = replace(temp,"mm",right("0" & minute(val),2)) : temp = replace(temp,"m",minute(val))
							temp = replace(temp,"ss",right("0" & second(val),2)) : temp = replace(temp,"s",second(val))
						end select
						val = temp
					end if
				stemp = replace(stemp, match.value, val)
			end if
		parser_tag = stemp
	end function
	public function parser_comm()
		dim match,mathches
		dim backv
		reg.pattern = "<!--Start:\{(.+?)\}-->([\s\S]*?)<!--End-->"
		set matches = reg.execute(template)
		for each match in matches
			backv = parser_comm_do(match.submatches(0),match.submatches(1))
			template = replace(template, match.value, backv)
	end function

	public function parser_comm_do(byval where,byval stemp)
		dim i,tags
		dim rs,sql,sql_row,sql_table,sql_where,sql_order,sql_keywords
		dim tmep,titlelen,title,url
		where = split(where, ";")
		for i = 0 to ubound(where)
			tags = replace(replace(where(i),"""",""),"'","")
			if len(replace(tags," ","")) = 0 then parser_comm_do = "" : exit function
			tags = split(where(i),":")
			'echo ubound(tags) & getbr
			select case replace(lcase(tags(0))," ", "")
			case "row"      : sql_row = replace(tags(1)," ","")
			case "table"    : sql_table = tags(1)
			case "where"    : sql_where = tags(1)
			case "order"    : sql_order = " order by " & tags(1) & " "
			case "keywords"	: sql_keywords = replace(tags(1)," ","")
			end select

		if not isnum(sql_row) or sql_row = "" then sql_row = 10					
		if sql_table = "" then sql_table = "article"
		if len(replace(sql_where," ","")) > 0 then sql_where = " where " & sql_where else sql_where = ""
		if len(sql_keywords) > 0  then
			sql_table = "article"
			if instr(sql_keywords,",") = 0 then parser_comm_do = "" : exit function
			dim sql_keywords_str
			sql_keywords = split(sql_keywords,",")
			for i = 0 to ubound(sql_keywords)
				if len(sql_keywords(i)) > 1 then
					if len(sql_keywords_str) = 0 then
						sql_keywords_str = " keywords like '%" & sql_keywords(i) & "%' "
						sql_keywords_str = sql_keywords_str & " or keywords like '%" & sql_keywords(i) & "%'"
					end if
				end if
			if len(sql_where) > 0 and len(sql_keywords_str) > 0  then
				sql_where = sql_where & " and ( " & sql_keywords_str & " )"  
				sql_where = " where " & sql_keywords_str
			end if
		end if			
		sql = "select top " & sql_row & " * from " & sql_table & " " & sql_where & sql_order
		'echo sql &getbr
		if len(getcache(sql))=0 then
			i = 0 : sql_row = int(sql_row)
			set rs = u.db(sql,1)
			session("i") = 0
			do while not rs.eof
				i = i + 1
				if i > sql_row then exit do
				session("i") = session("i") + 1
				temp = parser_tag(stemp,"[]",rs)
				parser_comm_do = parser_comm_do & temp
			setcache sql,parser_comm_do
			parser_comm_do = getcache(sql)
		end if
	end function
